Where are you from, when did you begin skiing and telemarking, where do you ski most now?
I'm from Asker, Norway. All Norwegians are born with skis on their feet, I however, was a late bloomer, and did not get my first pair of skis until I was 4. It took another 9 years before I mounted my first pair of leather boots and freed my heel. I get my best turns daydreaming about tomorrow or reminiscing about the past on the 7 o`clock bus. No ski hill can ever beat the expectations of the future or the memories of the past.
What are your favorite boots and skis?
My boots are mostly duct tape nowadays, but once they had a resemblance of a Scarpa T1. Stereo sonorous or Lynx depending on the proximity of lifts.
What do you like about our bindings?
I love the Axl mostly because it’s the only binding which doesn’t compromise.
What do you like to do for fun when you're not skiing?
I still go to the mountains, just without skis. Alpine ice and winter climbing is a completely new way to experience snow-clad mountains. It is also a new level of pain and suffering and really makes you treasure lift-accessed backcountry and a warm meal for lunch of those deep days. I also try to maintain an ashtanga practice, but I think samadhi is still out of bounds.

Accomplishments, awards, and sponsors
1st place, Norway Freeride Cup 2013
1st place, Røldal Freeride Challenge 2013
Not dying – a full season Chamonix 2010, first descents in Norway and Kyrgyzstan.
Other sponsors
Mountain Equipment, Stereo Skis and Gregory backpacks.